Only for leading quality.

100%  安 全 / SAFETY

100%  有 效 / Effective

We conduct bulk testing in accordance with the WADA standard, ensuring high quality products and eliminating the contamination of stimulants caused by unauthorized substances.

我们根据 WADA(世界反兴奋剂机构)标准进行批量检测,保证了高品质的产品并排除了未经授权的物质造成的兴奋剂污染。

Relying on the resources of universities and national laboratories, we are constantly innovating.


Conformance with research results is the basis for each leading trend product.


In producing leading trend products, we use only the most advanced technology and constantly develop new and optimized production methods.


We only cooperate with approved industry partners and suppliers to ensure the impeccable quality of raw materials and processing.


Technology and clinical research work closely together to make leading trend products perfectly suited to physiological needs.
